Publications (refereed and preprints)
Y. Zhang and M. Barkeshli, Electric polarization and discrete shift from boundary and corner charge in crystalline Chern insulators, arXiv:2410.03821
D.S. Kalra and M. Barkeshli, Why Warmup the Learning Rate? Underlying Mechanisms and Improvements, arXiv:2406.09405, NeurIPS 2024 (accepted)
A. Lavasani, M. J. Gullans, V. V. Albert, M. Barkeshli, On stability of k-local quantum phases of matter, arXiv:2405.19412
R. Kobayashi, Y. Zhang, N. Manjunath, M. Barkeshli, Crystalline invariants of fractional Chern insulators, arXiv:2405.17431
R. Kobayashi, Y. Zhang, Y.-Q. Wang, M. Barkeshli, (2+1)D topological phases with RT symmetry: many-body invariant, classification, and higher order edge modes, arXiv:2403.18887
M. Barkeshli, P.-S. Hsin, R. Kobayashi, Higher-group symmetry of (3+1)D fermionic Z2 gauge theory: logical CCZ, CS, and T gates from higher symmetry, arXiv:2311.05674, SciPost Phys. 16, 122 (2024)
D.S. Kalra, T. He, M. Barkeshli, Universal Sharpness Dynamics in Neural Network Training: Fixed Point Analysis, Edge of Stability, and Route to Chaos, arXiv:2311.02076
N. Manjunath, V. Calvera, M. Barkeshli, Characterization and classification of interacting (2+1)D topological crystalline insulators with orientation-preserving wallpaper groups, arXiv:2309.12389, Phys. Rev. B 109, 035168 (2024)
Y. Zhang, N. Manjunath, R. Kobayashi, M. Barkeshli, Complete crystalline topological invariants from partial rotations in (2+1)D invertible fermionic states and Hofstadter's butterfly, arXiv:2303.16919, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131 (2023) 176501
D. S. Kalra, M. Barkeshli, Phase diagram of early training dynamics in deep neural networks: effect of the learning rate, depth, and width, arXiv:2302.12250, NeurIPS 2023
M. Barkeshli, Y.-A. Chen, P.-S. Hsin, R. Kobayashi, Higher-group symmetry in finite gauge theory and stabilizer codes, arXiv:2211.11764, SciPost Phys. 16, 089 (2024)
Y. Zhang, N. Manjunath, G. Nambiar, M. Barkeshli, Quantized charge polarization as a many-body invariant in (2+1)D crystalline topological states and Hofstadter butterflies, arXiv:2211.09127, Phys. Rev. X 13, 031005 (2023)
N. Manjunath, V. Calvera, M. Barkeshli, Non-perturbative constraints from symmetry and chirality on Majorana zero modes and defect quantum numbers in (2+1)D, arXiv:2210.02452, Phys. Rev. B 107, 165126 (2023)
Z.-P. Cian, M. Hafezi, M. Barkeshli, Extracting Wilson loop operators and fractional statistics from a single bulk ground state, arXiv:2209.14302
M. Barkeshli, Y.-A. Chen, S.-J. Huang, R. Kobayashi, N. Tantivasadakarn, G. Zhu, Codimension-2 defects and higher symmetries in (3+1)D topological phases, arXiv:2208.07367, SciPost Phys. 14, 065 (2023)
Y. Zhang, N. Manjunath, G. Nambiar, and M. Barkeshli, Fractional disclination charge and discrete shift in the Hofstadter butterfly, arXiv:2204.05320, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129 (2022) 275301
R. Kobayashi and M. Barkeshli, (3+1)D path integral state sums on curved U(1) bundles and U(1) anomalies of (2+1)D topological phases, arXiv:2111.14827, Phys. Rev. B 110, 155140 (2024) [Editor's Suggestion]
M. Barkeshli, Y.-A. Chen, P.-S. Hsin, N. Manjunath, Classification of (2+1)D invertible fermionic topological phases with symmetry, arXiv:2109.11039, Phys. Rev. B 105, 235143 (2022)
D. Bulmash, M. Barkeshli, Anomaly cascade in (2+1)D fermionic topological phases, arXiv:2109.10922, Phys. Rev. B 105 155126 (2022)
D. Bulmash, M. Barkeshli, Fermionic symmetry fractionalization in (2+1)D, arXiv:2109.10913, Phys. Rev. B 105, 125114 (2022)
S. Tata, R. Kobayashi, D. Bulmash, and M. Barkeshli, Anomalies in (2+1)D fermionic topological phases and (3+1)D path integral state sums for fermionic SPTs, arXiv:2104.14567, Communications in Mathematical Physics 397, 199-336 (2023)
Naren Manjunath and Maissam Barkeshli, Classification of fractional quantum Hall states with spatial symmetries, arXiv:2012.11603
Ali Lavasani, Yahya Alavirad, Maissam Barkeshli, Topological order and criticality in (2+1)D monitored random quantum
circuits, arXiv:2011.06595, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 235701 (2021)
H. Dehghani, Z.-P. Cian, M. Hafezi, M. Barkeshli, Extraction of many-body Chern number from a single wave function, arXiv:2005.13677,
Phys. Rev. B 103, 075102 (2021)
Z.-P. Cian, H. Dehghani, A. Elben, B. Vermersch, G. Zhu, M. Barkeshli, P. Zoller, M. Hafezi, Many-body Chern number from statistical correlations of randomized measurements, arxiv:2005.13543,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 050501 (2021)
Naren Manjunath and Maissam Barkeshli, Crystalline gauge fields and quantized discrete geometric response for Abelian topological phases with lattice symmetry, arXiv:2005.10265,
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013040 (2021)
Ali Lavasani, Yahya Alavirad, Maissam Barkeshli, Measurement-induced topological entanglement transitions in symmetric random quantum circuits, arXiv:2004.07243,
Nature Physics 17, 342 - 347 (2021)
D. Bulmash and M. Barkeshli, Absolute anomalies in (2+1)D symmetry-enriched topological states and exact (3+1)D constructions, arXiv:2003.11553,
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043033 (2020)
Ajit C. Balram, J. K. Jain, and M. Barkeshli, Zn superconductivity of composite bosons and the 7/3 fractional quantum Hall effect, arXiv:1911.09203,
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013349 (2020)
Yahya Alavirad and M. Barkeshli, Anomalies and unnatural stability of multi-component Luttinger liquids in Zn x Zn spin chains, arXiv:1910.00589,
Phys. Rev. B 104, 045151 (2021)
M. Barkeshli and M. Cheng, Relative anomalies in (2+1)D symmetry enriched topological states, arXiv:1906.10691,
SciPost Phys. 8, 028 (2020)
D. Bulmash and M. Barkeshli, Gauging fractons: immobile non-Abelian quasiparticles, fractals, and position-dependent degeneracies, arXiv:1905.05771,
Phys. Rev. B 100, 155146 (2019)
W. N. Faugno, A. Balram, M. Barkeshli, J. Jain, Prediction of a non-Abelian fractional quantum Hall state with f-wave pairing of composite fermions in wide quantum wells, arXiv:1904.07164,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 016802 (2019)
A. Balram, M. Barkeshli, M. Rudner, Parton construction of particle-hole-conjugate Read-Rezayi parafermion fractional quantum Hall states and beyond, arXiv:1902.04173,
Phys. Rev. B 99, 241108(R) (2019)
A. Lavasani, G. Zhu, M. Barkeshli, Universal logical gates with constant overhead: instantaneous Dehn twists for hyperbolic quantum codes, arXiv:1901.11029,
Quantum 3, 180 (2019)
A. Balram, S. Mukherjee, K. Park, M. Barkeshli, M. Rudner, J. Jain, Fractional Quantum Hall Effect at nu=2+6/13: The Parton Paradigm for the Second Landau Level, arXiv:1807.02997,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 186601 (2018)
G. Zhu, A. Lavasani, M. Barkeshli, Instantaneous braids and Dehn twists in topologically ordered states, arXiv:1806.06078
Phys. Rev. B 102, 075105 (2020)
G. Zhu, A. Lavasani, M. Barkeshli, Universal Logical Gates on Topologically Encoded Qubits via Constant-Depth Unitary Circuits, arXiv:1806.02358
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 050502 (2020)
D. Bulmash, M. Barkeshli, Generalized U(1) Gauge Field Theories and Fractal Dynamics, arXiv:1806.01855
A. Lavasani, M. Barkeshli, Low overhead Clifford gates from joint measurements in surface, color, and hyperbolic codes, arXiv:1804.04144,
Phys. Rev. A 98, 052319 (2018)
A. Balram, M. Barkeshli, M. Rudner, Parton construction of a wave function in the anti-Pfaffian phase, arXiv:1803.10427,
Phys. Rev. B 98, 035127 (2018)
D. Bulmash, M. Barkeshli, The Higgs Mechanism in Higher-Rank Symmetric U(1) Gauge Theories,
Phys. Rev. B 97, 235112 (2018)
G. Zhu, M. Hafezi, M. Barkeshli, Quantum Origami: Transversal Gates for Quantum Computation and Measurement of Topological Order, arXiv:1711.05752,
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013285 (2020)
M. Barkeshli and M. Cheng, Time-reversal and spatial reflection symmetry localization anomalies in (2+1)D topological phases of matter, arXiv:1706.09464,
Phys. Rev. B 98, 115129 (2018)
M. Barkeshli, P. Bonderson, M. Cheng, C.-M. Jian, K. Walker, Reflection and time reversal symmetry enriched topological phases of matter: path integrals, non-orientable manifolds, and anomalies, arXiv:1612.07792,
Communications in Mathematical Physics volume 374, pages1021–1124 (2020)
M. Barkeshli, C. Nayak, Z. Papic, A. Young, M. Zaletel, Fractionalized exciton Fermi surfaces and condensates in two-component quantized Hall states, arXiv:1611.01171,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 026603 (2018)
M. Barkeshli, Charge 2e/3 superconductivity and topological degeneracies without localized zero modes in bilayer fractional quantum Hall states, arXiv:1604.00683,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 096803 (2016)
Maissam Barkeshli and Michael Freedman, Modular transformations through sequences of topological charge projections, arXiv:1602.01093,
Phys. Rev. B 94, 165108 (2016)
M. Barkeshli, J.D. Sau, Physical Architecture for a Universal Topological Quantum Computer based on a Network of Majorana Nanowires, arXiv:1509.07135
M. Cheng, M. Zaletel, M. Barkeshli, A. Vishwanath, P. Bonderson, Translational symmetry and microscopic constraints on symmetry-enriched topological phases: a view from the surface, arXiv:1511.02263,
Phys. Rev. X 6, 041068 (2016)
M. Barkeshli, C. Nayak, Superconductivity Induced Topological Phase Transition at the Edge of Even Denominator Fractional Quantum Hall States, arXiv:1507.06305
J. Cano, M. Cheng, M. Barkeshli, D. J. Clarke, C. Nayak, Chirality-Protected Majorana Zero Modes at the Gapless Edge of Abelian Quantum Hall States, arXiv:1505.07825,
Phys. Rev. B 92, 195152 (2015)
M. Barkeshli, M. Mulligan, M. P. A. Fisher, Particle-Hole Symmetry and the Composite Fermi Liquid, arXiv:1502.05404,
Phys. Rev. B 92, 165125 (2015)
M. Peterson, Y.-L. Wu, M. Cheng, M. Barkeshli, Z. Wang, S. Das Sarma, Abelian and Non-Abelian States in $\nu=2/3$ Bilayer Fractional Quantum Hall Systems, arXiv:1502.02671,
Phys. Rev. B 92, 035103 (2015)
M. Barkeshli, P. Bonderson, M. Cheng, Z. Wang, Symmetry Fractionalization, Defects, and Gauging of Topological Phases, arXiv:1410.4540,
Phys. Rev. B 100, 115147 (2019)
M. Barkeshli, N.Y. Yao, C.R. Laumann, Continuous Preparation of a Fractional Chern Insulator, arXiv:1407.7034,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 026802 (2015)
M. Barkeshli, H.-C. Jiang, R. Thomale, X.-L. Qi, Generalized Kitaev Models and Slave Genons, arXiv:1405.1780,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 026401 (2015)
A. Vaezi, M. Barkeshli, Fibonacci Anyons From Abelian Bilayer Quantum Hall States, arXiv:1403.3383,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 236804 (2014)
M. Barkeshli, Erez Berg, Steven Kivelson, Coherent Transmutation of Electrons into Fractionalized Anyons, arXiv:1402.6321,
Science, 346 6210 (2014)
M. Barkeshli, Yuval Oreg, X.-L. Qi, Experimental Proposal to Detect Topological Ground State Degeneracy, arXiv:1401.3750
M. Barkeshli, Transitions Between Chiral Spin Liquids and Z2 Spin Liquids, arXiv:1307.8194
M. Barkeshli, C.M. Jian, and X.-L. Qi, Theory of defects in Abelian topological states, arXiv:1305.7203,
Phys. Rev. B 88, 235103 (2013)
M. Barkeshli, C.M. Jian, and X.-L. Qi, Classification of Topological Defects in Abelian Topological States, arXiv:1304.7579,
Phys. Rev. B 88, 241103(R) (2013)
Raghu Mahajan, M. Barkeshli and Sean Hartnoll, Non-Fermi liquids and the Wiedemann-Franz law, arXiv:1304.4249,
Phys. Rev. B 88, 125107 (2013)
M. Barkeshli and X.-L. Qi, Synthetic Topological Qubits in Conventional Bilayer Quantum Hall Systems, arXiv:1302.2673,
Phys. Rev. X 4, 041035 (2014)
M. Barkeshli, C.M. Jian, and X.-L. Qi, Twist defects and projective non-abelian statistics, arXiv:1208.4834 ,
Phys. Rev. B 87, 045130 (2013)
M. Barkeshli, Hong Yao, and Steven A. Kivelson, Gapless Spin Liquids: Stability and Possible Experimental Relevance, arXiv:1208.3869,
Phys. Rev. B 87, 140402(R) (2013)
M. Barkeshli and John McGreevy, Continuous transitions between composite Fermi liquid and Landau Fermi liquid: a route to fractionalized Mott insulators, arXiv:1206.6530,
Phys. Rev. B 86, 075136 (2012)
A.C. Potter, M. Barkeshli, J. McGreevy, and T. Senthil, Quantum spin liquids and the metal-insulator transition in doped semiconductors, arXiv:1204.1342,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 077205 (2012)
M. Barkeshli and John McGreevy, Continuous transition between fractional quantum Hall and superfluid states, arXiv:1201.4393,
Phys. Rev. B 89, 235116 (2014)
M. Barkeshli and Xiao-Liang Qi, Topological Nematic States and Non-Abelian Lattice Dislocations, arXiv:1112.3311,
Phys. Rev. X 2, 031013 (2012)
M. Barkeshli, S.B. Chung, and X.-L. Qi, Dissipationless phonon Hall viscosity, arXiv:1109.5648
Phys. Rev. B 85, 245107 (2012)
M. Barkeshli and Xiao-Liang Qi, Topological Response Theory of Doped Topological Insulators, arXiv:1101.3104
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 206602 (2011)
M. Barkeshli and X.-G. Wen, Phase transitions in Zn gauge theory and twisted Zn topological phases, arXiv:1012.2417
Phys. Rev. B 86, 085114 (2012)
M. Barkeshli and X.-G. Wen, Bilayer quantum Hall phase transitions and the orbifold non-Abelian fractional quantum Hall states, arXiv:1010.4270
Phys. Rev. B 84, 115121 (2011)
M. Barkeshli and X.-G. Wen, Anyon Condensation and Topological Phase Transitions in Non-Abelian States, arXiv:1007.2030,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 216804 (2010)
B. Swingle, M. Barkeshli, J. McGreevy, and T. Senthil, Correlated Topological Insulators and the Fractional Magnetoelectric Effect, arXiv:1005.1076
Phys. Rev. B 83, 195139 (2011)
M. Barkeshli and X.-G. Wen, Effective Field theory and Projective Construction for the Zk Parafermion Fractional Quantum Hall States, arXiv:0910.2483
Physical Review B 81 155302 (2010)
M. Barkeshli and X.-G. Wen, [U(1) x U(1)] \rtimes Z2 Chern-Simons Theory and Z4 Parafermion Fractional Quantum Hall States, arXiv:0909.4882
Physical Review B 81, 045323 (2010)
M. Barkeshli and X.-G. Wen, Non-Abelian Two-component Fractional Quantum Hall States, arXiv:0906.0356
Phys. Rev. B 82, 233301 (2010)
M. Barkeshli and X.-G. Wen, Classification of Abelian and Non-Abelian Multilayer Fractional Quantum Hall States Through the Pattern of Zeros, arXiv:0906.0337
Phys. Rev. B 82, 245301 (2010)
M. Barkeshli and X.-G. Wen, Structure of Quasiparticles and Their Fusion Algebra in Fractional Quantum Hall States, arXiv:0807.2789
Physical Review B 79, 195132 (2009)
M. Barkeshli, Dissipationless Information Erasure and Landauer's Principle, arXiv:0504323